Mind + Body



Can You Really Build Up A Tolerance to Weed? Yes, And It Could Be A Good Thing


Is Going Commando Healthier Than Wearing Underwear?


Rubbing Your Eyes Is Way More Harmful Than You Think


This Type of Coffee Is the Least Likely to Stain Your Teeth, According to Science


This Extremely Common Sleeping Behavior Is Never Normal


What Color Should Your Pee Really Be? Experts Reveal Why Urine Shouldn’t Always Be Clear


Wellness Culture Today Forgot About One Giant Idea From the Original 1970s Movement


These 2 Distinct Symptoms Will Reveal Whether You Have a Cold or Allergies


You're Probably Drinking Too Much Water — Here's Why


This Odd Yet Common Nighttime Habit Has Stumped Sleep Researchers


Should You Take Supplements? A Doctor Reveals the 2 That Are Worth It


Soda Brands Are Adding Fiber to Their Beverages — Here’s What Could Go Wrong


This Easy, Overlooked Diet Tweak Could Revolutionize Your Gut Health


Are Candles Carcinogenic? Here’s the Tough Truth


Why Isn’t There a Vaccine for the Common Cold? A Virologist Reveals the Hidden Reason


What Actually Helps Seasonal Depression? Probably Not What You Think

Pet Science

Pet Science

Should You Leave the Air Conditioning On For Your Cat? A Veterinarian Reveals An Unexpected Answer


You Should Be Gentle Parenting Your Pet, An Animal Behavior Expert Reveals

Pet Science

Can Dogs Get Heat Stroke? A Veterinarian Reveals the Breeds Most At Risk

Pet Science

Should You Feed Your Dog Vegetables? An Animal Nutritionist Reveals the Ultimate Pet Food Hack

Pet Science

What Colors Can Dogs See? An Animal Eye Doctor Debunks A Pervasive Myth About Dog Vision


This Specific Type of Workout Could Suppress Hunger, Especially In Women

By Elana Spivack

An intense workout could actually make you less hungry.


A Case Report of A Man With Confirmed Scurvy Suggests the Forgotten Disease Could Be Roaring Back

By Hannah Docter-Loeb

While scurvy is treatable, it is often misdiagnosed because it’s seen as a thing of the past.


This Simple Test Could Predict How Fast Your Mind and Body Are Aging

By Elana Spivack

Try balancing on one leg.


Can a Low-Carb Diet Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? A New Study Suggests It Might

By Hannah Docter-Loeb

The study hints at a possible drug-free treatment for this chronic condition.


Tibetan Women Have Evolved a Pregnancy Superpower

By Elana Spivack

Increased hemoglobin concentration could be key to giving birth at extremely high altitudes.

Pet Science

Is My Cat Happy? Here's the Shocking Answer

By Elana Spivack

Not to worry, your cat can be happy.


Humans’ Obsession With Carbs Came Long Before the Start of Agriculture, A New Study Suggests

By Elana Spivack

Even Neanderthals had multiple copies of this starch-digesting gene.


Ozempic Might Help Treat Two Common Addiction Disorders

By Elana Spivack

This human study helps affirm what animal studies have suggested.


One Of the Most Common Causes Of Cancer Is Staring Us Right In The Face

By Justin Stebbing and The Conversation

A little bit of alcohol was once thought to be good for you. But recent scientific research says otherwise.


This Common Diabetes Drug Was Thought to Revolutionize Cancer — Here’s What Happened Instead

By Amber Dance and Knowable Magazine

Why a diabetes drug fell short of anticancer hopes.