Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Ziplines: Saga of the Seaside Inn Quest Walkthrough
That’s a lot of Johnnys.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has dozens of different side quests to complete during your journey across the world Gaia. While some of these are short combat-focused affairs, there are a few that are lengthy quests requiring you to collect a multitude of items. Chief among those is “The Saga of the Seaside Inn” quests, which has you helping the ever-hapless Johnny rebuild his hotel. It’s by far the longest side quest in Rebirth, and once complete opens up an even more lengthy group of tasks to complete. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough of how to complete The Saga of the Seaside Inn.
Where to Find All Eight Refurbishment Materials
The first step of this quest is to find eight refurbishment materials for the Seaside Inn, which are scattered at ziplines across the Costa Del Sol area. The gallery below has the map locations of all eight, but we’ll also walk you through finding them step by step.
- Head SouthEast from the two Johnnys and look for the raised wooden platforms with two ziplines. Climb the stairs or the ladder on the gazebo and you’ll see the first material sitting just below the zipline.
- After that head across the wooden bridges to the next gazebo and you'll find the second material.
- Jump down and follow the trail to the Northwest until you see a massive metal tower on your right side, tucked behind some cliffs. Navigate around the cliffs to the tower, then climb to the top to find the next material.
- Take the zipline down and go straight ahead and you’ll see another zipline. Look to your left and you’ll see a hill with stairs leading up. Jump down and follow those stairs right to the next material.
- Now turn directly behind you and you’ll see another set of stairs leading to another zipline and the fifth material.
- Now take that zipline down and follow the path past the Remnawave Tower. Jump down and go on the trail to your right, following North until you can turn left and follow the path up the hill.
- Now you’ll arrive at the Training Gym, so first turn right and go around the building to find a material.
- Instead of jumping down turn around and go back past the Gym to the next material.
- Now take this zipline down, turn left, and follow the path to finally arrive at the last material.
Now head back to the Johnnys and give them the materials, which will make them tell you about the next Johnny at a factory. Follow the marker there and talk to him, and you’ll now need to get your hands on a Chocobo in order to do some digging.
How to Get a Chocobo
Buying the Rent-a-Bird membership will let you call a Chocobo wherever you want near Costa Del Sol, but it won’t work in the desert.
Luckily, the Costa Del Sol Chocobo is much easier to get than the other regions. Head back to Costa Del Sol and go to the Tack Shop at the Chocobo Pens just outside the city’s exit. Go into the Buy menu and scroll down to the bottom and you’ll see the Rent-a-Bird Membership for a few thousand Gil. If you don’t have enough you can simply battle some random enemies or sell some old accessories or materials. Now you can call your Chocobo at any time in the Corel area by pressing R1. Head back to Jonnhy and he’ll tell you about needing a Transmuter Chip.
Getting the Transmuter Chip and Boiler Valve
From where Johnny is standing, head up the stairs directly behind him and hop on your Chocobo. You’ll need to track the scent of the Transmuter chip by holding down Up on the D-pad and then following it, just like all the other digging areas in the game. After finding the chip in this upper area you’ll unlock the Transmuter recipe for a Boiler Valve, which takes two Iron Ore, two Zince Ore, and two Amethyst.
You likely have all these materials already, but if not, they’re incredibly easy to find. Iron Ore can be found anywhere and everywhere, and Zinc Ore and Amethyst can be found in the factory you’re currently in, as well as around rocks scattered throughout the area close to Costa Del Sol.
Zinc Ore and Amethyst can be found scattered in and around the factory you found the Transmuter Chip.
If you really can’t find any you can also head back to the Chocobo Tack Shop and purchase them there. Transmute the Boiler Valve once you have everything and give it to Johnny.
How to Get the Tonberry King’s Crown
Unfortunately, you aren’t done quite yet as Johnny still has another task for you. Follow the marker to find Johnny in the desert and he’ll ask you to get a Tonberry King’s Crown. This is actually a bit complicated as you’ll first need to unlock the fight with the Tonberry King.
In order to do that you need to find all six Lifespring locations across the Corel area: two are near Costa Del Sol and four are in the desert. Again you can see their locations in the gallery below. Just remember to follow the owl that will lead you to each spring.
After finding all the springs you’ll unlock the Tonberry King fight, which will be marked on your map in some ruins on the East side of the desert area.
There’s a trick to getting the crown itself, if you want a good quality crown and not a marred one. You can get a marred crown by simply beating the king, but you’ll get lesser rewards for giving it to Johnny. Before we get to the fight make sure you have one character with a Cleansing Materia and one with the Steal Materia equipped.
The Tonberry King can be a tough fight, as he can instakill any of your party members with his knife attack. He can also inflict Slow and Stop, so if you have any Cleansing Materia at full level consider giving every Resist. During the fight you need to pressure the Tonberry King by dodging its attacks, then hitting it with a powerful offensive ability. It’s easiest to do this with his “Hopping Mad” attack, which drops three wash basins. Make sure to dodge three times then follow up with a big physical attack or ability.
Make sure to have your Steal-equipped character have a full ATB bar this whole battle, so you can jump on the crown when it falls.
When he’s pressured, the king will drop his crown. You have a short window of about ten seconds here before he picks it back up. During this time you need to use Steal on the crown itself, not the king. Doing that successfully will add it to your inventory and you're now free to beat the monster.
Once that’s all over head back to Johnny yet again, and give him the crown. Then finally head back to the Seaside Inn to finish the quest.
How to Complete Johnny’s Treasure Trove
After completing the quest you’ll unlock Johnny’s Treasure Trove, which collects awards that you’ve found throughout your journey. These awards encompass anything and everything in the game: items you can find in areas, rewards for completing minigames, combat simulator challenges, and more.
To complete the Trove you’ll quite literally need to do everything in the game. You need to beat every minigame on hard mode, find hidden items in each region, complete all combat simulator challenges, and more. You can view what you have left to complete by heading to the Seaside Inn and pressing the L2 button to bring up the list of all 88 items.