
Cavaliers Fans Turned to Porn After Losing to the Warriors

Pornhub data shows a search surge in Cleveland following LeBron's embarrassing loss.

Nike Talk

Talk about love and basketball — Pornhub Insights, the data analysis blog published by, has long studied the relationship between NBA games and horny people. During the NBA finals, the site says, porn searches decline in the two cities whose teams are going head to head, and after one city loses, its constituents turn to porn to drown their sorrows.

The 2017 NBA Finals were no different; just like in previous years, the losers (Cleveland) began searching for porn in the game’s final moments, when it became clear that Steph Curry and the Warriors were going to come out on top. Whereas typical Cleveland traffic was 17% lower than usual during most of the game, it grew and grew until hovering at 28% higher than usual from game end to midnight, when most Cleveland locals presumably came and fell asleep.

As for the winners’ circle, San Francisco and the Bay Area masturbated just a smidge less than normal during the game, and their numbers returned to an average rate after their team won. Apparently, happy people celebrate winning the NBA Finals with activities other than watching porn.

You can check out Pornhub’s data here:

Cleveland suddenly became SUPER interested in jerking off as LeBron began losing.

Pornhub Insights

By the way, if you’re wondering what both happy and sad basketball fans were searching for, the most popular porn search in Ohio tends to be “step sister”, while Californians like watching “lesbians” (as does most of the west coast…and the midwest…and the east coast as well).

See also: the most often pirated man in porn.

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